Brighton Crime Reduction Partnership

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Bogus collector(s) asking businesses for money

There have been several reports in the last few days of an individual claiming to be an 'enforcement officer' going into licensed premises and other establishments and asking for outstanding money for licences under the Licensing Act (2003) or suggesting that the businesses have a fine to pay. 

One business is reported to have paid the bogus collector £300 and was handed a hand-written receipt which stated the moneies were for "Operation Incence" (sic) whilst another is said to have paid £150 for outstanding alcohol licence payments (as pictured below). 

Brighton & Hove Council has had reports of a male visiting a nail bar, a massage premises, a car wash and two restuarants, althought there are no reports of all these businesses handing over money. 

The council would like to remind business that its licensing officers carry photo ID badges and never take cash payments. 

If there is a fine to pay individuals have 14 days in which to pay and official charges commence by invoices being issued and requests for late payments are done by letter. 

Please remain extra vigilant and if you have had any incidents like this or have any information, businesses are advised to call the police on 101.